
Zeolite Uses

Zeolite is used in the environmental sector for its great ability

to remove impurities from water and as a material to get rid of

radioactive effects and atomic and nuclear pollutants.

Uses of Zeolite as filters

Zeolite is used in filters manufacture & water, it used in juice and dairy plants for their ability to separate solutions at the molecular scale, thus separating the particles of impurities from the juice materials and the butter particles from the milk. It used as filters in the following purification:

1. Filtration and purification of drinking water and wastewater.

  • Zeolite works to purify drinking water from harmful metal electrolytes and heavy metals and remove nickel, lead, carbon, ammonia, adsorption and absorption of lost and uncontrolled electrolytes in water.
  • Desalination of hard water by cation exchange of the calcium & magnesium elements causing water age and replacing them with dissolved sodium element, causing the water to shift from hard to soft.
  • Used as an alternative to sand material in the treatment of drinking water plants.
  • Fuels remove radioactive elements, pathogens, nitrogen, some organic substances, hydrocarbons and many other pollutants.
  • Removes water turbidity and reduces it significantly with a filtration rate of less than 5 microns. It can be used to purify and reduce the level of pollution and dirt in water of beaches caused by spills of oil, and other contaminants.
  • Treatment of industrial waste water contaminated with heavy elements and removal of the oil spill from the water before it is put into the sewage and transferred to the soil, leading to pollution and pollution of groundwater and surface.


2- Purification and filtration of pond water and swimming pools

  • Zeolite eliminates chemical, organic and alkali contaminants from pool water and filters materials up to 3-5 microns. The 25-pound bag of Zeolite contains granular surface of more than 50 football fields, while the 50-pound sand bag covers only one football field.
  • Using zeolite as an alternative material is more effective than using sand in swimming pools because of the many physical and chemical properties of the zeolite active in the purification and filtering of swimming pool water.
  • Zeolite reduces use of chlorine due to exchange of ammonium from the urine directly into the crystalline network where it is not soluble in water, which reduces the chlorination level.
  • Reduces reverse washing time by up to 50% higher load capacity than sand.
  • Reduces eye irritation due to use of less chlorine.

Radiation and nuclear contamination prevention

1. Zeolite is used as a basic material for the disposal of radioactive effects and atomic and nuclear pollutants, especially when these pollutants seep into the air as a result of nuclear explosions in the atmosphere, or seep into the groundwater, and rivers as a result of the discharge of nuclear and nuclear contaminants .
2. Radiation pollutants from radioisotopes used in scientific research, hydroelectric power stations and hospitals, some of which leak through the sewage to the water.
3. Atomic waste buried in the earth or the deep sea and the resulting harmful radiation such as gamma rays and alpha, which may seep into those wastes to the water, especially when ground movements or explosions in the ground.



240 Mecca St. – Taha Alhejjawi complix – Amman, Jordan


(+962) 795822676 – (+962) 797353525